Monday, February 21, 2011

First bento box.

Diane and I had a lot of fun with our first attempt at making a meal out of a bento box. Above are the pics from what we put together.

From upper left going clockwise: Bean sprouts in oyster sauce with a side of pickled ginger, plain nishiki rice with some sriracha hot sauce, carrot kinpira, sesame flavored beef with onions, and sweet pepper confit.

I'll do another post later tonight with today's meal.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A new attempt.

So, I lost on the last competition. My fault, plain and simple.

So, Diane and I are going to try something new. I don't exercise that often, and Diane does. However, the one thing I do the most and do well, is make food. And by make food, I mean cook a LOT of food.

I theorize that we are over-eating (honestly, it's hard not to when I'm cooking). So, Diane and I are going to try something different. Something Japanese. We're going to be creating Japanese dishes for a month and see if anything changes for us. And by creating Japanese dishes, we're also going to stick with the portions that the dish provide.

The trick to this, is to use the leftovers in the next days meal. And, we're only going to be shopping for the items we need for that meal on a daily basis. This isn't just to help us lose weight, but we are also going to be a bit more in control with our finances with regards to meals. Essentially, we're only going to buy what we need, not what we want.

I'll later this evening about the first meal we are making to night, as well as our weight today, as well as what we spent and what we got.

This could be an interesting experiment. For the first week, we're going to see how much we saved or spent by shopping on a daily basis for our meals. There will be no more TV dinners purchased during this month, and we're going to limit our eating out extensively.

Let's see how this shapes up, shall we?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Damned weight fluctuation.

So, as many o fyou know, I have been extremely busy due to work and all. With that being said, I have been doing as best as I can to lose weight. Some days I have great success, others not so much.

The thing that pisses me off the most, is the fact that I can't seem to keep it off. And I already know the primary culprit is me on this. I need to be consistent. Sadly, I haven't been.

I'm going to focus more effort on being more consistent with my actions and see if that will help me. I imagine it will. All one needs is focus and attention to detail.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More exercise equipment.

My wife picked out a treadmill the other day. Brought it home on Friday, and I get it setup yesterday.

My hope is that I can also utilize that machine as well in my quest to losing weight. That, and eather healthier foods...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


That's right. I screamed on the internet.

Go figure.

Damn diet is driving me a bit insane right now. So is the exercise...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A new week.

It's a new week, and the last one wasn't pretty. Namely, the fact that my motorcycle died on me on my way home from work on Friday. I wasn't even 5 miles away from work, and I still had 35+ miles to go!

Then to top that off this week, I'm sick today!


Kari, you said something earlier about me managing my stress. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I know it's late...

So I'm a little late this week. My apologies. I didn't lose any concrete weight for the month, and that has me a bit more depressed than fired up.

Sad Panda.

So, I've got two choices before me. I can continue to be blue about it, or I can work to change it. November is a-comin' and I need to change.

I'll keep you all informed.